Monday, August 17, 2009

Garden walls bloom with our new Mural!

It's mid-August and the garden beds are full of greenery and lush vegetables! We had been talking for some time about a project to paint the boring grey cement walls that create the boundary for the garden against the school - finally we found a weekend and went for it!

Our local Sherwin Williams store on First Street was very generous and donated lots of paint and painting supplies for the mural. Thank You Sherwin Williams.

Then community members from both Kennedy Longfellow School as well as East Cambridge Family Group community turned out in numbers to get the mural started. Cambridge School Committee member Joe Grassi provided loads of icy cold lemonade, and lots of neighbors stopped by to ask about the project and to admire the transformation of those grey walls into a beautiful landscape of flowers.

We were very lucky to have local artist Bethany LeSager at the helm providing artistic direction and planning for all the eager (and many little!) hands pitching in.

After several hours in the garden on Saturday morning, Bethany, Alister and Garden manager Caitlin worked on the finishing touches on Sunday.

A big Thank You to everyone who came out to support this project. We really had a great time.

Photos below - top to bottom: The before picture, marking corn, helpers, more helpers, the panoramic view