Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heat wave & new website

The past week has been an all out nightmare for the gardens. No rain & consistent 90 degree temps. However, our garden has fared pretty well in comparison to other schools such as King & Amigos, which has extremely dry conditions. Fortunately, some of the students attending East End House's summer camp at Kennedy-Longfellow have helped with watering and college volunteers.

Here's a list of what's growing right now to make up for the lack of pictures!
Strawberries, tomatoes, garlic, kale, collards, marigolds, herbs, carrots, pumpkins and newly sprouted cucumbers, zucchini, beans, okra, cilantro, callaloo & basil.

Also Citysprouts has a new website with a great info page on the Kennedy-Longfellow garden. Check it out by going to "What We Do" and clicking on "See gardens":